Stay or Go? The Counter Offer Dilemma
Blog, Jobs, OpinionI had it! I was done! Enough was enough and I was out the door! All the empty promises, the bickering and bullsh*t. When I dropped the bomb, anger soon turned to sadness, through heavy tears they whimpered "I..I..I. can't picture life without…

The Candidates Guide to Fake Job Ads
Uncategorized'Spike in Jobs Ads Show it's a Candidates World', 'Job Ads up 5 Per Cent', 'Online Job Ads Continue to Grow Strongly'.
We're constantly reminded through the media that job advertisements are increasing year by year, leading us to believe…

Fonterra Leads The Way In Agricultural Sustainability
Food & Dairy, NewsNew Zealand generates much of its wealth from its agricultural activities, but at what cost to the land?
Concerns about farming and the environment are not a recent development. Damage to the South Islands high country were first investigated…

Job Advertisements for Construction Increase
Civil & Construction, Jobs, NewsThe New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment reported last week that online job ads were up 9.2% this year compared to previous years, presenting good news to job seekers. Especially in construction.
The number of online…

Cheese, Butter, Milk Powder Are Top 5 To Perform This Year
Food & Dairy, NewsCheese, butter and milk powder manufacturing has been picked in the top five of 200 New Zealand industries to perform well this year, according to global business intelligence company IBISWorld.
The Cheese, Butter and Milk Powder Industries…