What’s the deal with cover letters?
Blog, Jobs, OpinionDo I need one? Do employers even read them? How do I write a good one? Applications comprised of a cover letter and CV are common sights for recruitment consultants - however, we often see applications containing only the latter as well. Every…

The Transformation of Tauranga
Blog, Civil & Construction, Jobs, News, OpinionLast week we briefly touched on each of the cities of the North Island and some of their defining characteristics. One of these cities was that of Tauranga - an interesting place with a lot of history and one that has seen incredible growth…

A Beginner’s Guide to the Cities of the North Island
Blog, Civil & Construction, Jobs, News, OpinionLet's switch gears this week and move away from the recruitment discussion. We're halfway through November, which means it's not long to go until 2019 is upon us. The New Year often inspires a lot of change for people, especially job seekers…

Recruitment Agents vs Recruitment Consultants
Blog, Jobs, News, OpinionWhen Technical Recruitment Solutions went through its re-brand earlier in the year, we made it very clear in all of our documentation and media content that we are recruitment consultants - not recruitment agents. Why did we do this, and why…

AI & Recruitment: The Future is Bright, not Bleak
Blog, Jobs, News, OpinionArtificial Intelligence, or AI, is the name commonly given to technology and machines that are able to emulate human behaviour and act independently to perform 'human' functions. Many industries internationally are currently undergoing change…