Immigrating to NZ

New Zealand is a land of scenic diversity and contrasts, ranging from beaches and thermal sites to snowfields and alpine wonderlands. The country plays host to its fair share of busy cities, but is moderated by remote country townships and rugged, uninhabited bush. Most websites that rank countries based on quality of life will rank New Zealand in the Top 10.

Returning home or immigrating to New Zealand? Don’t hesitate to contact us. If you’re a skilled job seeker, we can assist you through the job search and immigration process.

Useful Links if you’re thinking about moving to New Zealand

Radio New Zealand – One of New Zealand’s leading online news sites
Tourism New Zealand
Immigration New Zealand
Real Estate –  Provides free and independent advice on how to move to New Zealand from someone how has actually made the move. You will find practical and actionable tips and advice on how to save time, money and headaches. – Provides lots of region-specific information that you may find useful.

Already got your eye on a specific region? Try our helpful brochures below.

Quick Facts


New Zealand has an estimated population of 5.23 million, with the North Islanders making up roughly 3.92 million of the population and the South Island being home to the remaining 1.2 million.

The main centres of population are New Zealand’s six major cities:

  • Auckland
  • Wellington
  • Hamilton
  • 1,652,000
  • 434,900
  • 179,900
  • Christchurch
  • Dunedin
  • Tauranga
  • 389,300
  • 130,400
  • 158,300

(Source: Statistics New Zealand, website


New Zealand is located in the southern Pacific Ocean, approximately 1,600 km (995 miles) east of Australia. It is comprised of two main islands (the North and South Islands) and a number of smaller islands, with a total land area of 268,021 sq km. Our geography includes a range of spectacular landscapes including the mountain range of the Southern Alps. The fiords, rainforests, glaciers and lakes and the coastal plains of Canterbury add to the variety of the South Island scenery. The North Island is home to a volcanic region rich with geothermal activity and is home to the capital city Wellington and the countries largest city, Auckland, in the far north.


New Zealand’s seasons are the reverse of those in the Northern Hemisphere. Warmer months are December through to February, while the colder months are from June through to August. Winters tend to be relatively short in New Zealand, with signs of Spring showing well before the winter is officially over. The South Island, being geographically closer to the South Pole, is generally colder than the North Island. This is partly reflected in the population figures for each island, although the South Island is also considerably more rife with uninhabited mountainous ranges and forest.

  • City

  • Auckland
  • Wellington
  • Christchurch
  • Dunedin
  • Average Temp Jan ºC
  • 23.3
  • 20.3
  • 22.5
  • 18.9
  • Average Temp July ºC
  • 14.5
  • 11.4
  • 11.3
  • 9.8
  • Hours of Sunshine
  • 2024
  • 2065
  • 2100
  • 1585
  • Mean Annual Rainfall
  • 1240
  • 1249
  • 630
  • 812

(Source: Statistics New Zealand, website

Life and Leisure

Getting away from the crowds is never a problem in New Zealand. Even those living in the major centres are often within less than a twenty minute drive to open and unspoiled countryside. As a result many New Zealanders enjoy a range of outdoor pursuits with most weekends and holidays spent in the outdoors. Due to the lay of the land, most New Zealanders are never far from a beach or a bush-walk. The country is also home to many fine wineries, which can be found in both the central North Island and the South Island. Immigrating to New Zealand from a country that doesn’t have the lush landscapes or natural beauty that New Zealand is known for is often a big determining factor in many migrant’s decisions to make the move.


New Zealand operates a decimal currency system with 100 cents to 1 NZ Dollar.

Coins: 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2

Notes: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100

All major credit cards can be used in New Zealand including American Express, Diners Club, Master Card and Visa.

Get a clear picture of your potential earnings in New Zealand by using PAYE Calculator, a straightforward website for calculating your net income.

Helpful Info


There are a variety of commercial banking facilities throughout New Zealand. Banks are normally open from 9.00 am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. ATM’s are widely used throughout New Zealand and operate 24 hours. Opening a bank account is easy however you will need to visit the Bank branch in person. Generally most Banks will require the following information:

  • A permanent postal address, such as a residential address
  • Two forms of identification such as a passport or drivers license
  • If opening a cheque account a deposit may be required
  • Your IRD number

Income Tax and Annual leave

Salary and Wages earners pay a mandatory amount of tax on the earnings. This tax figure is automatically deducted from an employee’s pay as they receive it (this is called PAYE or ‘Pay as you earn’).  In order to work in New Zealand, all employees must have an IRD tax number that can be obtained from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) – this allows for the calculation and automatic deduction of tax from an employee’s pay packet.

Annual leave is typically 4 weeks with 11 statutory holidays per year.

  • Income (annual)
  • $0 – $14000
  • $14001 – $48,000
  • $48,001 – $70,000
  • Over $70,000
  • Tax Rate
  • 10.5%
  • 17.5%
  • 30%
  • 33%
  • Effective Tax Rate
  • 10.5%
  • 10.5% – 15.5%
  • 15.5% – 20%
  • 20% – 33%

Tax is only paid for the bracket which it corresponds to. For example, if you earn $60,000 annually, you’ll pay 10.5% on $14,000 of it, 17.5% on $34,000 of it, and then 30% on the last $12,000 of it. This is important as it will bring your ‘effective’ tax rate (see above) below the flat tax rate for your earning threshold – meaning you won’t pay as much tax as you might expect.

The tax year is from 1 April to 31 March.

After the end of each tax year IRD will send you one of the following:

  • an income tax assessment
  • a request for more information – income tax assessment
  • a message to complete your individual income tax return – IR3 in myIR, or a paper copy by post.

IRD works out if you’ve paid the right amount of tax each year using the information they hold about your income and the tax you’ve paid.

Once you receive your income tax assessment you need to check it and tell them about any changes. If it’s correct and you have no tax to pay then you do not need to do anything else.

Otherwise, you need to tell them about other income you received and any expenses you need to claim.

More info can be found on the Inland Revenue Department website here.

Goods and Services Tax

This is a consumer tax on the purchase or sale of goods and services supplied within New Zealand. The current GST rate is 15%. Almost all goods and services are purchased at a GST inclusive price, meaning that purchases you make will already be adjusted for GST.


New Zealand has an excellent range of domestic transportation including air, train, buses, taxis (including Uber) and rental cars.

All drivers must have a New Zealand driver’s license. If you have an international driving license or permit you CAN drive in New Zealand, however you will need to apply for a New Zealand drivers license within 12 months of arrival.

Medical Facilities

The medical services in New Zealand provide a good quality service but due to the increasing population of the country, public hospitals do have a tendency to become overloaded at times. This means that waiting lists are commonplace and can sometimes be long. Generally non-residents of New Zealand are not eligible for free public healthcare and thus will be billed for health services.


Rental homes vary in price and quality, therefore meaning it is advisable that you visit a property personally before signing a Tenancy Agreement (also known as a lease). In New Zealand’s major cities (most notably the North Island cities of Auckland, Tauranga and Wellington), house prices are known be expensive compared to smaller towns or South Island cities. For this reason, many home buyers choose to purchase land or homes in regions surrounding the main cities – this way they pay less, are located in a less busy area but can still easily commute to the city for work.

If buying a home it is advisable that you take time to look around and become familiar with the market. Prices for homes in New Zealand vary considerably and depend greatly on location.

To gain a better understanding and see availability it is advised to speak to a Real Estate agent and keep an eye on websites such as

Thinking about making the move? Let’s talk.